Bell Tower Water Fixture Replacement
The contractor shall supply and install the following for 120 units: water-efficient showerheads, kitchen faucet aerator, bathroom faucet aerator, and toilets with seats in each unit of Bell Tower (2215 1st Ave, Seattle WA 98121).
SHA shall be responsible for posting notice to tenants, providing either onsite or nearby storage space for toilets and fixtures to be installed, and space onsite for waste collection.
The contractor shall acquire, transport and deliver all necessary toilets, showerheads and aerators to each site. The service provider shall:
- Replace showerheads in all showers with Niagara Earth 3-spray Wall Mount Handheld Showerhead with flow rate at or below one and a half gallons per minute (1.5 gpm), or approved equivalent, except where ADA compliant equipment is required and not met by the replacement,
- Install aerators on all sink faucets where possible with aerators with flow rates of one gallon per minute (1 gpm) or less, and,
- Replace all toilets with Niagara Stealth eight tenths of a gallon per flush (0.8 gpf) and raised push buttons, or approved equivalent, except in cases indicated in Section 5, “Special Considerations,” of this contract.
The contractor shall repair any broken flanges and angle stops as needed at an additional cost to SHA and document these repairs as indicated in Section 4 “Project Reports,” of this contract.
The contractor shall dispose of all replaced toilets and fixtures. Waste porcelain shall be taken to a City of Seattle Qualified Receiving and Recycling Facility per Seattle Municipal Code 21.36.089. The service provider shall leave any uninstalled equipment with onsite property management staff.
As-built drawings available upon request.