List your rental

By listing vacancies on the Available Unit Form  landlords can market their units to voucher holders in SHA’s Housing Choice Voucher program. SHA housing counselors will refer voucher holders to these listings as they help them with their housing search. There is no cost for a listing. List your unit with the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program

If you have questions about your listing, please contact

Multi-Family Tax Exemption Program Marketing

The City of Seattle’s Office of Housing operates the Multi-Family Tax Exemption Program (MFTE), which provides a tax exemption to developers and owners of new multi-family buildings who set aside 20-25% of their units as income-and rent-restricted.

The Seattle Housing Authority partners with the Office of Housing and MFTE property managers in facilitating the program’s affirmative marketing requirements.

  • Property Managers can send their completed Special Outreach for Affirmative Marketing form to SHA via two weeks prior to general marketing activities and annually thereafter;
  • For new buildings, SHA’s Owner Liaison will reach out to set up time to discuss the HCV program and set up a pre-inspection of your units;
  • Housing Counselors will share information about your rentals with our voucher holders.

Questions regarding Affirmative Marketing requirements should be directed to