The Seattle Housing Authority incorporates environmental stewardship into daily practices and long-term decision-making to foster more cost-effective investments, inventive approaches to complex sustainability challenges, healthier working and living environments for staff and tenants, and broader environmental impact within the community.
As technology has advanced, SHA has incorporated energy efficiency in renovations and new construction through solar panels, water conservation, state-of-the-art building systems, lighting upgrades, energy efficient windows and appliances and more, including low-carbon hot water technologies in partnership with the Department of Energy. In 2016, SHA made Environmental Stewardship an Organizational Cornerstone in its Strategic Plan and in 2019 adopted its first Sustainability Agenda. Staff in the Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability Division sought input, consultation, and feedback from more than 250 staff, hundreds of SHA tenants, and community partners on the agency’s strategic directions for sustainability.
SHA has committed to report on its environmental stewardship performance every 5 years, advance environmental justice in the Seattle community, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2032. These commitments provide a foundation for SHA’s environmental stewardship efforts and as the agency makes progress toward environmental stewardship goals, staff will continue to seek input and guidance from SHA tenants, program participants and the broader Seattle community.