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SHA receives 71 additional vouchers to house former foster youth


SHA receives 71 additional vouchers to house former foster youth

Maven headshot

A young poet experiencing homelessness after aging out of foster care secured housing through SHA. View Maven's video story at

Maven headshot

A young poet experiencing homelessness after aging out of foster care secured housing through SHA. View Maven's video story at

The Seattle Housing Authority has received funding to provide housing vouchers to 71 additional youth who are exiting the foster care system. The Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) vouchers will serve young people who are 18-24 years old and have aged out or are aging out of foster care, leaving them at extreme risk of homelessness. With the special Housing Choice Vouchers, these young adults receive assistance finding housing in the rental market and a rent subsidy that makes it affordable based on their income.

The need is great to assist those at risk of homelessness as they turn 18 to ensure they have safe, stable housing instead of leaving foster care for life on the streets. SHA is working with King County Housing Authority (KCHA), Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF), the YMCA, service providers, and community colleges in the region to provide information about the FYI program.

Youth may self-refer to the program. If you know of someone eligible for the voucher you may direct them to this form or QR code which goes to the same place.