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With help from partners, SHA continues to offer on-site vaccination to eligible tenants


With help from partners, SHA continues to offer on-site vaccination to eligible tenants

Nurse vaccine
Nurse vaccine

As of March 8, SHA’s most recent vaccination report, 814 first doses and 128 second doses had been administered to SHA residents. Of those served, the data so far indicates that more than 60 percent are members of the Black Indigenous and People of Color community.

With more experience in running the clinics, and an increase in vaccine supply, SHA is able to reach out now in some cases to Housing Choice Voucher participants in the area of the clinics to invite them to attend and be vaccinated. In addition to clinics in SHA residential buildings with the Seattle Fire Department, SHA is partnering with International Community Health Services and Neighborhood House to make the vaccine available to eligible SHA residents and other community members through larger clinics at SHA family community facilities.