SHA Board Resolution no. 5193 - July 20, 2020

A resolution relating to race and social justice, denouncing racism and social injustice, committing the Seattle Housing Authority to an active role in eliminating racism in all its forms in Housing Authority administration and operations and dedicating the Housing Authority to social justice in all its activities. 

WHEREAS, Racism harms every person in our society and is a root cause of poverty and economic and housing inequality; and

WHEREAS, Seattle’s history of racism, discrimination and segregation has adversely impacted access to housing and economic outcomes for many racial groups, and specifically Black citizens; and

WHEREAS, Today, the majority of individuals experiencing homelessness in Seattle/King County were people of color, and when compared to the racial demographics of the county’s general population, the largest disparities were observed among those identifying as Black or African American (32% in the Point-in-Time Count compared to 6% in the general King County population); and  

WHEREAS, the mission of the Seattle Housing Authority is to enhance the Seattle community by creating and sustaining decent, safe and affordable living environments that foster stability and self-sufficiency for people with low incomes

WHEREAS, Housing providers in Seattle must address individual, institutional, and structural racism in order to create just and equitable housing policies; and

WHEREAS, Seattle Housing Authority’s Race and Social Justice Initiative is an agency-wide effort to educate staff on the effects of racism and to eliminate institutional racism and other oppressions at SHA by examining the impact of policies and practices and changing those policies and practices when needed to advance equity; and

WHEREAS, SHA’s Race and Social Justice Initiative commits the Authority to working actively to advance race and social justice equity for employees and for those SHA serves with an understanding of our unique role and influence to help end the disparities in the housing, education, employment, health, criminal justice and other systems that impact SHA applicants and participants;

WHEREAS, Executive leadership and the Board of Commissioners are aligned in our commitment to end the silence that perpetuates the status quo and to join in the outcry of our nation by showing that we do not tolerate racism;


The Seattle Housing Authority Board of Commissioners hereby unequivocally denounces individual, systemic, and institutional racism and strongly declares that Black lives matter.

The Seattle Housing Authority Board of Commissioners shall take  an active role in the Authority’s Race and Social Justice Initiative by participating in racial equity training; being responsive to communities, residents, and employees impacted by racism, especially Black/African American communities; being partners in identifying and implementing solutions; and working with the Executive Director to identify policy updates and/or additional policies to end racial inequity and injustices within our housing agency.

ADOPTED by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Seattle at an open public meeting thereof this 20th day of July, 2020.