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5 tips for reducing waste this holiday season


5 tips for reducing waste this holiday season

The holiday season, with its accompanying buying, wrapping and celebrating, can quickly increase the amount of waste and electricity we generate. Here are 5 simple tips for you to reduce your environmental footprint during the holidays. 

1. Recycle creatively by using unique gift wrapping. Old newspapers, comic books, posters and magazines are great alternatives to wrapping paper. You can also save bows, ribbon, and bags to reuse next year! This will reduce the amount of garbage going into the landfill and help you save money. Check out 6 Affordable Eco-Friendly Gift-Wrapping Ideas to see examples of how you can wrap gifts sustainably

2. If you receive new electronics, be sure to recycle old ones at an electronics recycler. Improper disposal of electronic waste, also known as “e-waste,” can lead to toxins – including mercury, lead, cadmium – flowing into groundwater and contaminating sources of water for animals, plants, and humans. Please contact the Solid Waste line at 206.716.1310 or email at for special pick-ups.  

3. Reuse materials when making arts and crafts during the holidays. When making crafts, try to find materials that can be reused or recycled around the home. You can use recycled cardboard, plastic water bottles, newspapers, and magazines to create gifts. Don’t forget to recycle all your crafts!  
Some holiday crafts and activities for children:  

4. Reduce holiday food waste. Shop your refrigerator and pantry first and cook or eat what you have at home before buying more. Don’t forget to compost your unwanted food items! 

5. Buy environmentally friendly presents. Reusable items (e.g., water bottles), items made from sustainable materials, and homemade gifts are great options. Planning an experience to share or donating to a nonprofit organization in the name of someone special are both options that eliminate “stuff” and support positive environmental and social change in your community.