How do I register for the SHA Portal?
To register for the SHA Portal, landlords need a registration code. Please email Landlord Support at with your tenant’s unit address. We will provide the registration code and instructions.
Where can I get a copy of my Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Ledger?
The ledger can be found on the ledger tab of the SHA Portal. If you are not registered on the SHA Portal, please reach out to
How can I setup or change my Direct Deposit account?
To set up Direct Deposit please complete an “EFT setup” on your landlord profile. This is a two-step process.
- Click on the “EFT setup” on the portal inputting your new account information.
- Click on the “Documents” tab and upload a voiced check and a bank statement.
Can I raise the rent or how do I request a rent increase?
Please refer to our “How to Request a rent increase” page on our website.
How do I find my tenants caseworker contact information?
Please click on the “Caseworker Info” tab in the SHA Portal, to get the caseworkers contact details for each one of your tenants.
How to become an HCV Landlord?
A landlord becomes a partner with the Housing Choice Voucher Program at Seattle Housing Authority when SHA approves a unit for subsidy. This happens after a voucher holder applies and is approved by a housing provider to lease the unit from them. Once a voucher holder is approved, they would provide a Leasing Kit to the housing provider. The housing provider completes the kit and submits it to SHA (instructions for submission are in included the packet). Once we receive the packet here, it is processed, and a request is sent to one of our inspectors. An inspector will then reach out to do an inspection of the unit. This process takes between 5-10 business days. Once the inspection passes, the tenant can sign a 12-month lease and move into the unit. Each month, both SHA and the tenant will pay a portion of the rent directly to the landlord. Portions are determined by SHA and will be initially listed on the inspection receipt the housing provider receives after the unit passes inspection.
More information is available on our website here:
SHA’s Housing Choice Voucher Department holds a monthly Orientation for housing providers. Held Virtually on the 4th Tuesday of each month 10 – 11am. To receive an invitation link please email
Where can I find the Request for Tenancy Approval form (RFTA)?
Here is a link to a PDF of the Request for Tenancy Approval form (RFTA)
You can also find the RFTA on the SHA Portal.
How are utilities paid?
Voucher payment standards include an amount for utilities that impact how much the rent can be. Seattle Housing Authority establishes utility estimates for the cost of utilities not included in the rent. They are based on the typical cost of utilities and services paid by energy-conservative households that occupy housing of the same size and utility type in the same locality. Estimates are not based on an individual family's actual energy consumption and do not include non-essential utility costs, such as telephone or cable.
How do I know how much a voucher is worth? Or What are Voucher payment standards?
Seattle Housing Authority establishes voucher payment standards for units of each bedroom size. This sets the maximum subsidy the agency will pay for a tenant's housing costs, including an estimate for tenant-paid utilities. The standards are based on several factors, including HUD’s annually published Fair Market Rent (FMR) for the Seattle/Bellevue area, local vacancy rates, and other local Seattle market information.
Learn more about voucher payment standards.
How long does it take to schedule the Initial Inspection?
- Once we receive the RFTA or leasing kit, it is processed within 5-7 business days.
- An inspector will then reach out within 1-2 business days to schedule an inspection of the unit.
- Once the inspection passes, the tenant can sign a 12-month lease and move into the unit.
I have an inspections question regarding an annual or biannual inspection?
Please click on the link to our inspections overview page on SHA’s HCV Inspections.
If you have further questions, please email
Can a tenant transfer to a different unit on the same property?
Yes, but the tenant must be issued a move Voucher and the unit inspected before they can move. The tenant should also contact their case worker before the move.
Dose SHA cover unpaid utility bills, rent and/or damages?
While Seattle Housing Authority does not currently provide reimbursement for landlords due to damage at a property, the State of Washington does have a mitigation program specifically for landlords who house those with housing subsidy. This program can offer reimbursement of up to $5,000 for qualified expenses.
Here is the website with the information about Washington State's Landlord Mitigation Program and to see about potentially being reimbursed for repairs: The contact on that website for this program is Nicholas Yuva: 360-725-2949. The email is
Can I sell my unit with a section 8 tenant?
Yes, but it is important to note that there are specific laws and regulations to follow regarding a sale of a property with a tenant in it. it is important to ensure you provide the proper 90-day notice to a tenant that conforms to the City’s current regulations. As a reminder, when issuing something in writing to a tenant, we recommend checking with legal counsel, the State, or the City of Seattle (SDCI) for the latest and best practices. A good resource for this is Renting In Seattle (, 206.684.5700
Dose SHA cover Security deposits?
SHA has limited funding available for security deposit assistance.