HUD makes nearly $13 million in funding available for public housing agencies to help youth aging out of foster care

Partner media release

Announcement was made at an event with the Seattle Housing Authority, a national leader in youth housing programs 

SEATTLE – The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced that it will make available $12,746,450 to public housing authorities (PHAs) on a competitive basis through HUD’s Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative to provide housing assistance to young adults transitioning out of foster care. HUD Northwest Regional Administrator Andrew Lofton made the announcement in Seattle at an event with the Seattle Housing Authority. 

Transitioning out of foster care can create a time of uncertainty and instability in the lives of young people and increase the risk of experiencing homelessness. FYI makes Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) assistance available to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) in partnership with Public Child Welfare Agencies (PCWAs). This funding helps connect youth and young adults in foster care with stable housing and mitigate experiences of homelessness during their transition out of foster care.  

“Youth aging out of foster care are particularly vulnerable to homelessness. That is why we are so committed to making sure housing agencies have the resources they need to help at-risk youth transition from foster care to secure housing,” said Acting HUD Secretary Adrianne Todman. “Every young person deserves a stable, affordable home.”   

These FYI vouchers will be used to provide housing assistance to young adults in between the ages of 18 years and not more than 24 years old who left foster care or will leave foster care in the next 90 days and are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.  

“One of our most essential responsibilities as a nation is the duty to care for young people,” said Richard Monocchio, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. “Through the FYI Program and through partnerships with local PHAs and child welfare systems, HUD stands in support of youth transitioning from foster care by providing a platform for them as they begin to build toward the future of their dreams.” 

“The Foster Youth to Independence Initiative is more than just a program; it is a commitment to our future,” said HUD Northwest Regional Administrator Andrew Lofton at an event in Seattle. “As a recipient of previous FYI funding, the Seattle Housing Authority has helped former foster youth gain the stability they need to pursue their dreams in the Seattle area. It is a testament to the idea that given the right opportunities and support, all young people can thrive.”

“When youth age out of a foster care system they have been with, possibly since a very young age, they are particularly vulnerable and at risk of homelessness,” said Seattle Housing Authority Executive Director Rod Brandon. “At SHA we have developed a model of integrated, personalized housing and education, training and employment assistance to catch them at this critical time and help them stay on the right path.”

“I was moved to 28 different locations in 13 years,” said Seattle Housing Authority client Maven of their time in foster care. Despite working three to four jobs at age 18, Maven couldn’t afford to pay rent and became homeless. “I just needed housing and I needed it not to be a transitional place. Then I hear that I’ve qualified for the voucher program. I’m getting housing!” exclaimed Maven, who is now stably housed, still working multiple jobs and fulfilling a dream of becoming a published writer. You can hear Maven's story here.

In nearly 15 years of working with youth exiting the foster care system, the Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) has developed an integrated model to provide personalized wraparound services designed to equip youth with the housing and education, training and employment services they need to stabilize and build toward self-sufficiency. Based on its success, and a regional network SHA partners with, it was one of the first housing authorities to receive an allocation of Foster Youth to Independence vouchers, followed by a second allocation approximately a year later. SHA’s funding flexibility through HUD’s Moving to Work program has also enabled SHA to extend the time frame for voucher and service support to formerly foster youth who are actively working to establish independence but need a little more time to be successful.

Eligibility requirements to apply for the FYI Competitive vouchers can be found here. Questions regarding the FYI Competitive Notice of Funding Opportunity for Fiscal Years 2023 and 2024 should be directed to