Yesler Youth Media: Math in Everyday Life


Group of teens holding up certificates for completing course

Participants proudly show their program certificates. 

This summer, twelve teens participated in the Yesler Media Program organized by Multimedia Resources and Training Institute and Seattle University. For the past nine years, the Yesler Media Program has been held at RecTech in the Yesler Terrace Community Center. Teens created documentaries about the redevelopment of Yesler and its impact on the community.

This year, due to COVID-19 and social distancing, participants were divided into three small groups and met in separate locations with an instructor. Instead of creating documentaries about the Yesler redevelopment, teens were challenged to find ways to teach math online to elementary school children. The video series is called “Math in Everday Life.” Teens created math videos and translated two of the videos into Oromo, Tigrigna and Amharic.

Each video presents creative and fun ways to learn and enjoy math. Watch the videos below. 

Smoothie and Fractions

Shapes Through Zoom

QFC and Math

Math with Basketball

Math and Symmetry

Math with Soccer

Math in Cookies