Common Area Lighting Replaclement Phase II, SHA Locations

Solicitation #
Construction and maintenance
Issue date
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Due date
Tuesday, August 10, 2021 - 01:00pm
Award date
Thu, 10/14/2021
Lumenal Lighting
Award amount
Solicitation type
Invitation to Bid

This is a multi-site project to replace common area lighting fixtures in 9 public housing communities with energy efficient hardwired LED fixtures. The project seeks to maximize energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption as part of the Seattle City Light Multifamily Common Area Lighting Program. Common areas include, but are not limited to: stairwells, corridors, community rooms, exterior pathways, parking areas, and entry lighting. Approximately 1659 light fixtures are targeted for replacement, lamp retrofit, or removal.

Advertisement: Attached

Pre-Bid Site Meetings:

Seattle Housing Authority will hold two pre-bid site meetings. Each site-visit will take up to four hours and cover multiple different locations. Due to Covid-19 SHA will limit the attendance for each pre-bid site visit to a maximum of five people. Please reach out to or call 206.615.3470 to register for one or both pre-bid site visits, and to obtain site locations and schedule. SHA will add additional pre-bid site visits if deemed necessary.   

Pre-bid meeting
7/7/21 at 10:00 am and 8/8/21 at 10:00 am
Deadline to submit questions
Tuesday, July 27, 2021 - 03:00pm