Technology training

Technology training for SHA residents is provided at various properties.

Digital skills classes

SHA periodically offers basic computer and internet skills classes at various properties. Workshop topics have included Zoom, Gmail, MyChart, and internet safety. Tenants can email or call 206.615.3580 for more information.

Digital Navigator Program

SHA offers tenants digital navigation services including how to set up a computer, sign up for discounted internet services, navigate the internet, access the online SHA Portal, use contemporary meeting apps such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, and use Microsoft 365 to create documents with word processing and spreadsheet software.

If you are an SHA resident and are interested in the Digital Navigation program, please call 206.615.3580 or email If you are a Seattle Housing Authority voucher holder and are interested in the program, please email

SHA computer labs

SHA operates desktop computer labs at nine public housing properties as well as seven mobile labs with laptops and iPads. In additon, computer labs for people with disabilities and seniors are provided at two SHA locations. For more information, tenants can check with their property manager or community builder.

Special Technology Access Resource (STAR) Center

Man in a wheelchair using assisted technology on a computer screen

The STAR Center at SHA's Center Park property provides residents with disabilities access to specialized technology. It features accessability software such as ZoomText and JAWS. Plus, the adjustable desks and open floorplan allow for wheelchair mobility. The lab is free.

2600 S Walker St., Seattle WA 98144 or call 206.615.3580

Westwood Heights Technology Center

The Westwood Heights Technology Center is a senior-friendly computer lab offering free use of computer technology to residents. It features large print images and screens, as well as computers with a keyboard and mouse designed for use by those with limited dexterity.

9455 27th Ave SW, Seattle WA 98126
206.932.6942 ext. 16      


Find additional information on our Technology community resource page.