Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) allow you to set aside pretax dollars to pay for expenses not otherwise covered by insurance. There are two types of accounts:
- A Dependent Care FSA can pay for eligible dependent care (day care) expenses for your child, disabled spouse or dependent parent while you and your spouse work.
- A Health Care FSA can help pay for expenses not covered by your health plans, such as deductibles, copays, coinsurance, and services such as orthodontia that exceed the plan maximum.
The minimum amount you can contribute is $120 annually per each account. The maximum you can contribute to a Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for 2025 is $3,200 per employee; for a Dependent Care FSA, it's $5,000 per household.
To understand how FSAs work, see:
The FSA Plan Document - the official documentation of the Plan.
The FSA Summary Plan Description - a user-friendly companion to the Plan document.
Because of the pretax benefit, FSAs are governed by the Internal Revenue Service Code. For details on current rules, see the following documents posted on www.irs.gov.
Publication 502: Medical and Dental Expenses
Publication 503: Child and Dependent Care Expenses
FSA and HSA Interactions Flyer
You can sign up for flexible spending accounts
- within 30 days of your hire date,
- during an Open Enrollment period,
- or within 30 days of a qualifying change in family status.
There are four ways to access your FSA Account:
- Use your Navia Benefits card to pay for eligible expenses.The funds will come automatically out of your FSA and are paid to the provider.
- Access Navia Benefits Online Claim Submission tool. Fill in your claim information, upload documentation from your computer, and submit via web to Navia Benefits.
- Download the MyNavia App for your Android or iPhone mobile device from the Apple App Store or Google Play. You can submit a claims, verify transactions and more.
- Fill out a FSA claim form, attach proper documentation and fax, email, or mail it to Navia Benefits Solutions.
Contact Information:
Employer Code = SHA
2025 Flex Plan Enrollment Form