Income level - Housing Choice Voucher program

SHA will review eligibility and verify income at the time applicants are selected from the list. Applicants who meet the voucher program eligibility requirements and meet the program preferences will be served.

Income level requirements

  • Applicants with a total household income of 30 percent or less of Area Median Income at the time of selection or for the 12 months prior to selection and applicants who are homeless at the time of selection or have been in the prior 12 months will receive preference. AMI is the midpoint income for the Seattle area. It is determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and means that half of the people earn more than the median, and half of the people earn less.
  • Applicants with a total household income of 31 through 50 percent of Area Median Income or have not been homeless in the past 12 months will be returned to the list until all eligible applicants who meet the preferences have been served.
  • Applicants with a total household income above 50 percent of Area Median Income are not eligible for a voucher and will be removed from the list.


The income levels listed below are current as of April 15, 2024, but may change without notice.

Household size
30% of AMI
50% of AMI


























A household's assets—money, property, and other goods having value—are taken into account when calculating income. The actual value of assets is not included, but income created from assets is. If a household has money in a savings account, for example, that money will not be added to income. If interest is earned from the money in the account, the interest will be considered part of annual income.