Abdikani | Planting seeds of change
"If I could inspire someone in any way, that would mean the world to me."
With a deep love of community and a desire to inspire others, Rainier Vista resident and University of Washington student Abdikani created an event at the Beacon Hill Food Forest called “Planting Seeds in Our Communities.”
His goal was to help the youth in his neighborhood become more connected to their community as well as local nonprofits like the Horn of Africa Services, Plant for the Planet and Refugee Women’s Alliance. Another goal was to educate kids about our planet and help them realize how vital they are in creating a sustainable future for it.
Together, they prepped the soil, weeded and planted seeds. “But we didn’t just plant something in the ground. I was also trying to plant a seed in their mind that they could create change and make a difference in the world. I wanted to remind them that even though they are young, they can do so much.”
Learn more about the Beacon Food Forest.