Housing Choice Vouchers

The Housing Choice Voucher Department is responsible for managing all aspects of SHA’s voucher program, which enables tenants to rent with landlords throughout the city. The department maintains a voucher waitlist, certifies applicant eligibility, issues vouchers, administers utility allowances and establishes voucher payment standards – the subsidy that SHA pays toward rent. The department also recruits landlords that will accept voucher holders as tenants, works with landlords on federally required inspections and administers payment to landlords. Support for tenant participants includes housing counseling and programs to prepare participants to be successful in the rental market. The department administers special voucher programs for specific populations, such as veterans, and administers contracts with other housing providers, such as nonprofits, thereby playing a crucial role in the city’s continuum of affordable transitional, service-enriched and other types of housing. The HCV Department engages in coalitions with other organizations and federal, state and local governments to help increase options for affordable housing, particularly for homeless or disabled individuals, and underserved families.

Alice Kimbowa, Director